Petal’s Season 5: Fall (Week 1)

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Family Navigation: Season 4: Summer | Season 5: Fall (Week 2)

Welcome back to the Petal family! We are speeding towards the second generation of this family but have a few things to finish up for our founders. Last update we watched Aster become our first infant of this hood and grow into a child. Solros grew into a teen, Girasol attended prom, had a family reunion with Lara’s family and held an heir poll! Let’s dig in and start with who will be our heir!

So who did you all choose to carry on the next generation?




The results are in and the winner is…


Don’t worry, I know he doesn’t look too excited but I am very excited for this choice. Picking him gives us a chance to get through the rest of Rosa’s generational requirements, but we will be able to start the next generation next season!

This is the breakdown of votes, you can see it was a VERY close call between Girasol and Solros. Actually, they are tied if you look at the poll results on WP itself, however, one lovely reader who missed out on the poll told me who their vote was for and put Solros officially as the heir. I put my vote on Aster just for fun. Thank you to those who voted!!

While we were with the Hundred’s a few updates occurred for our extended family here. Lara’s youngest brother got married to Olive Tinker (whose moms are the Tinker’s that came with Eco Lifestyle.) Then Jolene and her husband got pregnant and gave birth to twins. Additionally, I don’t have the notice of it, but Tristian, the middle child, also got married. We’ll meet his wife later.

Since it is 5:30 PM on Monday afternoon when we join the family everyone is awake and doing things that do not require them to head back to bed. Rosa is playing some chess, Lara is standing around outside, Girasol is looking sad a losing the heir poll, Solros is playing on the computer, and Aster is watching some TV. For some reason, we are almost all in our cold-weather outfits again.

That evening we send the family over to Lara’s old home where his parents and Jolene and her husband live to meet the twins. This also gives the whole family a chance to get to know Jolene’s husband and make sure everyone has met each of the family members. I have every intention of trying to keep this family close.

While we are visiting Girasol and her grandma Maribel get our first (I believe) Supportive Dynamic, which is just so sweet. I love Maribel being so close to her grandkids. Jackson, Lara’s father, isn’t as close with the kids, but Maribel has been over all the time and developed close relationships with everyone.

Aster starts going through a loud phase, which means the music is always cranked up to the max in the house. I don’t really mind the loud phase overall, but it can be annoying for the music to suddenly start blaring.

The teens head out to school and Girasol already has her A, Solros studies for his exams as he is still at a B in school. I have been having him talk to just about everyone he can to see if he forms any crushes. I remember Nadia had a desire to flirt with him, but when Solros tried it failed and they now have a negative relationship.

Since Rosa is going to need to write up more articles she heads out and starts talking to people on the street. I did find out you cannot get stories from kids, which makes sense in a way, but sometimes they make for fun stories. Either way between family and people on the street Rosa has a few articles she can write again.

Back at home, it’s homework time for our two non-A students. Neither are far off getting those A’s they just need a bit more of a boost to get there. The table clearly needs to be cleaned off, but I guess doing homework on plates is fine.

Lara, needing things to do during the day most days, has started doing more upgrades to the various appliances and plumbing in the house. I think most items have at least one upgrade at this point.

I added a few new community lots around the world, and instead of making sure we voted in the “correct” type I just uploaded the setup I wanted as the main community lot and all the others, obviously, the others aren’t “complete” but that isn’t important. The community garden is now basically next door to the family, so Lara visits and plants a few plants for fun.

Solros has gotten his A in high school. He still has quite a while as a teen so he’ll have to keep it, but that shouldn’t be too difficult for Solros. He’s a good student.

The kids bring home friends from school and the whole family gets to know them a little bit during the evening. Another visitor comes by as well, and I believe Rosa spends some time getting a few more stories to write articles about.

Aster decides he likes alternative music, which has been playing for a bit in the house, and then Girasol and Aster get a difficult dynamic. I find this interesting as they were pretty close before, but maybe the loud phase has made it hard on Girasol.

Solros started growing a fair amount of facial hair so he heads in to start shaving. Having only one bathroom though he has to do it in multiple sessions, which takes forever.

Lara and Rosa needed another date for Rosa’s aspiration so off they head. They also hadn’t done anything romantic in a while and Rosa was throwing wishes left and right. They head to the cute little coffee shop in Brindleton Bay (I think) and just hang out and talk and spend time being romantic with each other. Rosa finishes up her aspiration. That’s one goal down.

Solros spends a lot of time with his siblings, both talking with Aster and Girasol at various times throughout the day. He got his sleep schedule off, so I went ahead and bought and had him drink a sleep replacement to help get him back on schedule.

I didn’t realize Gino and Lara were close, but he calls us to ask about dating someone new. I mean, go ahead Gino, if you have a new love interest by the time we get to your house so be in. Go have fun while we aren’t with you.

Maribel came over and hung out with the family. She really does love to visit with Lara and her grandkids. I think she might be my favorite of the non-playables that exist in the hood right now. She hangs out with Solors and Aster, and it’s clearly Spooky day, since Aster is in a costume. I’m going to grab a mod that lets everyone have a few more options.

Lara and Maribel become close during her visit, which is just so sweet. I love some of these extra dynamics with the extended family. Lara decides he is now cheerful as well, which makes a lot of sense so we say yes. Finally, Rosa decides she likes discussing interests, which works fine for me.

Today the homework party is attended by Girasol and Aster. Even though Girasol doesn’t really need to do her homework she started it on her own, so I’ll let her. Aster is getting close to his A, so it’s good for him to keep working on it.

I sent Lara and Aster to visit Tristian and his new wife, who are living with a couple other people in Oasis Springs. Tristian married an elder named Dina, I’m pretty sure this isn’t Dina Caliente, but not sure what her last name was.

Part of why we wanted to go meet Tristian’s wife is so everyone in the family, besides the twins of course, could be invited over for Girasol’s birthday. It’s hard to believe she is already a YA. As her final trait, since she is not heiress, Girasol rolls for it, and gets Lazy. She also gets Good Manners and Responsible as character value traits upon growing up. She keeps Joke Star as her aspiration.

Girasol also graduated with honors, which gives her that trait as well. She did not get valedictorian, which I find interesting, but still did a great job. Since I never got Ginger to graduation I’m going to try and see if we can “force” Girasol’s.

Maribel and Solros also now have a Supportive dynamic. Maribel is gunning for grandma of the year. I am worried that she is going to be gone next round, which will be very sad, but I’m happy her grandkids get this time with her.

Solros takes a jog with a piece of cake, because of course, why wouldn’t you take your cake jogging? Solros is the most fit person of this family and with the things he will need to do I figure I’ll try and keep him fit, which means if he wants cake, jogging.

I decided to set up a club for the kids and will try and get them together sometime during the weekend. We head to a park and 4 of the 5 members attend the get-together. It’s made up of the 5 current children that are in the playable families.

Once Aster is home we get a couple new things. First Solros and Rosa had a serious talk and Solros decides he likes deep thoughts. Then Lara and Girasol get the joksters dynamic, which we are not surprised by. Gotta be at least one joksters dynamic each update.

I send all the family to the auditorium early to see if we can attend graduation, and while we were able to attend I realized that I did not have stairs on the platform to get to the podium, which is likely one reason why I can’t complete the diploma portion. I have since fixed that, and maybe Solros will be able to try it.

Monday is a quiet day, but Aster finally comes home with his A, which means he completed his aspiration. He rolls the Playtime Captin as his next aspiration, which we will work on next week. Finally, Rosa comes home with a new promotion, having defeated her work rival last week. She still needs 2 or 3 more promotions, so we might have to keep Solros at home for a little bit longer.

That will wrap up week one, it’s Monday evening and we will call week one completed. I will be back for week two soon, when we should have another birthday and hopefully will see Rosa get at least one more promotion if not more. Solros will grow up next week and we will officially start his generation in the winter. Hope to see you for week 2! Thanks for reading.

Family Navigation: Season 4: Summer | Season 5: Fall (Week 2)

Challenge Navigation: Hundred Family Update: Week 2 | Petal Family Update: Week 2

2 thoughts on “Petal’s Season 5: Fall (Week 1)

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  1. All the moments with Lara’s family arevalways so close about this family ❤ you're definitely better than me at keeping the family close! I gotta learn a little more about that.

    Also, congrats to Solros for winning! He's such a good kid, he'll do a great job as heir. This Is oje of those challenges where I'm basically reading 'blind' so I'm very curious what his goals aré gonna be for next time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. To be honest I did not do much to keep this family close. I mean I would invite them over and stuff, but the family visited by themselves ALL the time, so they did it on their own and I love them for it.

      I look forward to starting Solros’s time as heir myself. He is a good kid, but I also have to finish up Rosa’s goals too (the last one to top her career I think.)


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