Petal’s Season 3: Spring

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Hello and welcome back to the Petal family! The last update we had with this family Girasol was born and grew into a toddler and by the end of the update a child. Solros was born later in the round and became a toddler, and Lara took some classes at University, and I forgot he wouldn’t be able to complete those classes as it won’t pause. Let’s dig in.

When we join this family at 4 AM everyone is, as expected, up doing things. We quickly send everyone back to bed until it’s a more reasonable hour. It’s about this time that I notice two very sad things to me. First, Rosa has lost ALL relationships with Lara’s family. Secondly, I had forgotten about the university not pausing and Lara is now on probation. Not a huge deal I was just doing it for fun, but I had totally forgotten.

Lara doesn’t work a ton, so he spends much of his time at home with the kids while Rosa works. He would like to go back to the jungle soon, so he can work more on his aspiration, but for the time being the kids are more important. We also need to have one more child for this couple.

Before we get another baby started, or try to, it’s time for a birthday. Lara is officially an adult and all of his family is invited over so Rosa can rebuild her relationships with them. The only thing I can think of that caused this was the period of time that I played without the script mods being turned on. Before long Rosa and Lara’s family are decently close again.

There is not a ton of room in this house for skill items for Solros, and whoever the final baby ends up being, but Lara makes sure to spend plenty of time with his son teaching him all the things he needs to know. Reading can be a good way to learn imagination.

Another day and another party, this family had events for the first 4 days of the round. This time it’s Rosa’s adult birthday! Girasol is getting closer to her grandparents and aunts and uncles. I think she is going to actually end up in high school with one of her aunts.

We spy Lara’s sister out on the porch and go out to find she’s talking with a member of the Cullen family. They seem to be hitting it off, I wonder if they are a couple and she invited him to the house so they could hang out.

It’s Love Day in the house and Rosa and Lara spend it together, of course. They are trying for a baby, but have not yet been successful. It can be kind of crazy with risky woohoo in, sometimes when you want a kid you can’t get it, and other times when you don’t want one you get one right away. We are trying for a baby each time, but so far no luck.

Girasol goes into the Bear Phase, but this doesn’t stop her from making friends with her uncle, who is basically the same age stage she is in right now, although I would think that she should be growing into a teen here very soon. I wonder if I forgot to turn on aging for everyone again last round, although I don’t think I did that. Anyway, she’s coming home with school projects now and her mom helps.

I have decided to send Lara out to see if he can slowly work his way into the glade. We start with just viewing the tree. It’s going to be a few steps each day I have decided. It will give him something to do as the kids grow up.

It’s birthday time yet again and this time we have Solros’ birthday party. Lara’s family is over again and I am pretty sure that I did forget to turn aging on at some other point, but oh well. I might turn on aging for another family, which would at least get them up to the expected age. Regardless, there is a fun birthday for Solros.

Solros gets a bit of a makeover and he ends up getting the Cheerful trait and then got the Social Butterfly aspiration. I’m not sure how he will do with it but time will tell. Both brother and sister work on their homework together. This is a very small little house, and a pretty small lot, so we still have the toddler bed here so we can be prepared for the final baby.

Lara takes a trip into the jungle and he has a rough time. The first entryway finds him poisoned, and while we continued he gets poisoned yet again. Then he sadly gets set on fire a couple times in a row and develops a fear of fire. Eventually, Lara does get to the end of the temple.

Lara manages to overcome his poisoning and finishes out his trip with some breakfast at his rental unit, which he hasn’t been at the entire time. It was a prosperous endeavor, although he doesn’t get too much farther into his aspiration, we will see how another trip goes later on.

While Lara was hanging out in the jungle Rosa was at home getting herself a promotion. She is doing well with her career and had to determine if she wanted to do the author or the journalist track. I choose journalism, even though I’ve had her writing plenty of books.

Now that he’s back home Lara works with his kids on their homework. After homework is done we need to allow Solros to meet more kids, so both Girasol and Solros head to the park and play and meet many other kids. One of those kids even happens to be Clover Krause.

Rosa and Lara are continuing to try for a baby. So far still no luck, but since we need one more baby we will make it happen eventually. There is plenty of time, although this baby may end up getting an infant stage, which is fine, I was just trying to allow this first gen to get through without the update so they all had the same level of stuff.

Lara continues to work slowly on getting the glade opened up by tending to the large tree. It’s in the area basically next door, so it’s very easy to get Lara to go work on it while the kids are at school.

Girasol completes her social aspiration after having a bunch of the kids that they met at the park over for the day. She also becomes best friends with Solros. This might be the fastest I’ve ever actually completed this aspiration. She made good friends with her grandparents for the adult portion, which helped a lot. I think having all these parties also helped.

Girasol takes up the Whiz Kid aspiratoin next. That gives her the chance to play some games of chess with all the kids still around. One of those we see is Clover Krause, as we mentioned meeting before. Rosa keeps an eye on all of the kids.

The next day at school Girasol actually meets Kendall from our Box of Chocolate’s legacy. It’s really fun to see all the various families slowly meeting and becoming more connected together. I really hope eventually they will all be friends.

Girasol finishes up another aspiration without a lot of effort. She gets the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration next but isn’t likely to get very far. It’s nearly her teenage birthday and I’m looking forward to seeing how she continues to grow up.

Lara and Rosa are determined to get the last baby going and they finally have managed to achieve this. Rosa is pregnant with baby number 3, which will be the last baby in this house. Sadly timing wise she is likely to have it at the very end of this round.

Rosa and Lara head to the thrift shop to have a quick date and have some boba. While they were there it was open mic night, so Lara got up and performed some jokes. It did not go over very well and they left, but not before they met Gino Sheff outside.

In an attempt to at least get part of the way through the next aspiration, Girasol heads to the playground again and plays with both Solros and Kendall until she’s played while playful. Then she works on her typing back at home.

Solros gets to “meet” his newest siblings while still in Rosa’s belly. Her pregnancy is progressing nicely and there are no real issues that she has had. She is rather big, so I hoping it’s not twins, but since she isn’t having that much of a drop in her needs I think she’s likely only got one baby.

We get close to the end of the update with another birthday. Girasol grows up into a teenager, using a cake baked by her grandmother. It’s very sweet, and she grows up looking exactly like her mom. It’s pretty wild. I can’t wait to have the ‘grandparents’ come by and stay for a few days in the future.

She gets a bit of a makeover and she and her mom take a picture together. They really do look a lot alike, but there is a bit of Lara in her as well. Her eyes are more like Lara’s, and so is her nose. I really like Girasol, and I kind of hope she gets picked as heiress. She gets Cheerful added to her traits and Joke Star as her aspiration.

Girasol quickly gets started on her homework right away. I do love that toddler beds still are one of the favorite places for sims to sit and do homework. I’m not entirely sure why. I wonder if they will continue to be popular with the newest update and new EP.

Lara goes back to the jungle and has a much better time this time around. He gets blessed with being a skeleton at one point, which does a lot to help him get through the handful of triggers in the temple that Lara wasn’t able to determine how to use right away.

As soon as he gets home it’s time for Rosa to go to the hospital to have their next baby. Lara freaks out in the hall this time, not headed into the room, but he had just come home from the jungle. Rosa gives birth to the final baby of this generation, a little boy named Aster.

Back at home, now that Lara can settle a bit, he pulls out pieces he picked up in the jungle and fuses them together in a new totem. Solros also suddenly enters a bear phase, much like his sister around this same age. I am happy they got different bears too.

Sunday at 4 AM rolls around and Solros is already out of bed, but the rest of the household is fast asleep. Baby Aster may not actually be asleep, but everyone else is. There was a lot that happened in this update and next update we will likely have an heir poll to find out who is going to take over. We have some work to do to finish up Rosa’s aspiration, but she’s getting really close. Thanks for stopping by!

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2 thoughts on “Petal’s Season 3: Spring

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  1. I had no idea that uni didn’t stop/paused while you played a diferent family! đŸ˜¯ That’s a good fact to keep in mind, so sad about that for Rosa

    I love the flower names for the kids<3 Solros must be my favorite as a name, but I do have a soft spot for Girasol she's so pretty and charming<3
    We're already getting into heirpoll Time? Wow! That's gonna be great and hard, I Can't wait!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have really enjoyed finding names for these kids, it’s a lot of fun to try and find names that are related. I was sad about the uni not pausing either. I keep hoping someone will find a way to “solve” that with mods, but haven’t looked super hard yet. It hard to believe that we are so close to heir polls. I actually have a TON of families ready for heir polls soon, it’s going to be crazy.


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